Joe DiGiovanni is not an ordinary 13 year old. Why? Because Joe knows what he wants, and goes after it every chance he gets. “I love movies. I’ve loved movies since I was a little kid,” says the actor who has been called a young Jack Black. “Then when I was eleven, it hit me… this is what I want to do with my life. Be in the movies, and on television. I want to act.” And so the pre-teen started taking acting lessons and auditioning for plays. The Phoenix, Arizona boy was cast in local theater productions, was spotted by a local agent, and began auditioning for films and commercials. In the past 18 months, he has been cast in 17 movies and 5 commercials.

Joe got his next break when he was spotted by Talent Manager Barb North of Brook Forest Entertainment and Theatrical Agent Robin Nassif of Media Artists at a week-end workshop and both signed him. Hilarious and talented, he’s now made his way to Hollywood and he says he’s here to stay!

When DiGiovanni isn’t acting, he is playing paintball, googling everything he can on the internet and hanging with his friends. Look out Hollywood. Joe is on track to become a major star.